Different Treatments for Eye Wrinkles
The process of aging brings about so many changes in our physical condition and appearance. Having eye wrinkles is just one of them. But do you know what brought such changes? It is not solely because of the age of the person. It is more so because of a person's exposure to the sun and ultraviolet rays.
You might not notice the effect when you are still young. But as you may have noticed, there are people who remain to look young even if they are already old and vice versa. This all boils down on how badly your skin is affected by such kind of exposure.
Less Worries
Come on, this is the day and age where there seems to be a solution to every problem. People can go to a specialist on whatever type of ailment they are experiencing and they will be given specific treatment and medicines for whatever it is they are experiencing.
So if you are worried about your under eyes wrinkles or your crows feet, you have a lot of options. But you must suit your choice according to what will make you happy and what you can afford. Are you going to try the latest creams and moisturizers or are you ready to take this case to the surgeon?
Here are some suggestions that you can follow if you are in this kind of dilemma.
1. Thermage is a new treatment for under eye problems like wrinkles. This will cause the skin on that area to tighten so that the lines will not be too much visible.
2. Botox as well as Restylane can act as dermal fillers. The good effects of these procedures can last for a good six months or more, depending on your skin type and the care that you allot for your skin to have.
3. Silk Touch and Fraxel lasers are known to eliminate wrinkles. You just have to ask your dermatologist if they will recommend the said procedures on the kind of skin that you have and with the situation of the wrinkles on your eyes.
4. Over the counter products like Vitamin C, Alphahydroxy and copper peptide are also known to lessen the unwanted lines around the eyes.
5. If you have additional problems like eye bags or the dark circles around your eyes, you can opt for Photo Genica and Lyra. These are part of the advancement of the technology that will remove the cause of the problem, which are the enlarged blood vessels. But if you don't want to take that route, you can always cover the problem with a good make up.
One thing that you have to remember when choosing what kind of procedure you are willing to undertake is that do you really need to do it. Such procedures may take a toll on your physical appearance when you are already too old to undergo through the same thing.
But the instant beauty will surely make you happy as you will see fast results. This will be beneficial if your appearance has something to do with your job or your means of income.
If you want to age gracefully and you are not the type to take drastic steps just so you can get rid of your eye wrinkles, then so be it. You can always tell people that those lines were brought about by the happy life that you have led and is still leading to this day.
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