

Understanding skin wrinkles

Let's face it. We live in an age obsessed culture. People worship youth and want to keep their youthful appearance as long as they can.In the past, people may have accepted the facial wrinkles that come with age as just part of life. In this youth obsessed culture, people fight aging to and keep our youth and youthful appearance.Elderly people, and even some not so elderly, often show their age by the wear and tear that is visible on their skin. Wrinkles and signs of aging are most noticeable on the face and other areas that are exposed to sun. The areas that are at the biggest risk for wrinkles are the face, hands, forearms, and neck.Wrinkles include fine lines, surface lines and deep furrows. Fine lines may be treated effectively with anti wrinkle treatments. Deep creases and furrows require more drastic action.

Understanding how and why wrinkles happen may help to avoid getting them in the first place.Wrinkles develop with age as skin loses elastin. Elastin is a component in the fibers that give skin its elastic quality. elastin also helps the skin to retain moisture. Collagen is a protein in the middle layer, or dermis, of skin. The loss of elastin and collagen causes the skin to thin and sag. Contributing factors to this process include sun exposure, smoking heredity and skin type.

There are some factors that are beyond our control, such as heredity and skin type. There are some factors that we can control, such as smoking and how much exposure we get to sun and the dangerous UV rays. While we can't go back and change our skin type, we can eliminate the factors that increase wrinkles. Smoking is one of the worst things you can to for your skin. Smoking cases wear and tear on the skin and leads to signs of premature aging. If you currently smoke, and are serious about skin care, one of the best things you can do is to stop smoking.

Excessive sun exposure is known to cause damage to the skin and accelerating the aging process. Tanning beds use concentrated UV light and are also damaging to the skin. When you are going to be outdoors, be sure to use sunscreen with a SPF of at least 15. Reapply is often. Experts also recommend that you layer sunscreen and sunblock, as they block different types of rays.

If the damage has already been done, and the wrinkles have appeared, there are some steps you can take to eliminate them. cosmetic surgeries and injections can plump up and skin and pull it tight to reduce the look of wrinkles. Cosmetic treatment should be done by a medical professional and are usually quite costly.

Topical skin creams are not invasive and can be effective in preventing and minimizing wrinkles. As skin ages, dead skin cells accumulate on the surface and cause a dull look. Wash the face with a mild cleansing formula to keep the surface of the skin clean and clear. There are many excellent products on the market to treat the skin topically. Skin treatment creams and serums can be expensive, so rather then experimenting, try to find out what your particular skin needs before investing in a skin treatment program.

Dermatologist's should be able to help you select the best skin care products for your skin. A consultation with a dermatologist would help you know what the best product it for you.There are product review sites, such as BestWrinkleCream.org. The site provides information about a variety of products including clinical trial date and pricing. Researching a site such as this will help you to make an informed decision.

Drinking plenty of fluid, particularly water, keeps the body and skin hydrated. Coffee and alcohol is dehydrating and cause the outer layer of the skin to look dry. For every cup of coffee or glass of alcohol you drink, flush it out with an extra glass of water. Extra servings of fruits and vegetables help to keep the body, including the skin, healthy. Aging is part of life. We can't avoid it altogether. If you consider the option, aging is not so bad. Trying to keep our youthful appearance is an excellent and understandable goal. Taking these common sense tips may help to keep the skin looking younger longer.

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