

What Causes a Wrinkle

Do not freak out at the first sign of a wrinkle developing on your face. It is normal. It happens to everybody. It may not just happen at the same time. So what you have to do is research about its causes and the preventive measures that you can do to attain a younger looking skin even if you are already getting old.

So what causes wrinkles? Here are some.

1. Sun

Its a nice feeling to lie around the beach while being under the sun to achieve a perfect tan. But this is not a healthy feat especially if you do this oftentimes. Do you know that your skins exposure to suns rays is the number one cause for developing wrinkles? This doesnt really have to happen at the beach. It can happen every day when it is day time. It doesnt really have to be sunny for the sun to cause damage to your skin. Even if it is cloudy or seemingly like it is going to rain, as long as it is day time, you are not safe from the effects of the sun.

To counter this, you need to apply sunscreen to your skin, especially on the face and neck area and also your hands. This must be done whenever you will be going outside. To prove this claim, just look at your bottom. It sure doesnt have wrinkles on it. Whats the reason for this? It doesnt get exposed to the sun as often as your face and other parts of the body are.

2. Hormonal change

As you reach the menopausal age, you will have less estrogen production. This kind of hormonal change may lead to the changes on your skin as well. This includes the development of wrinkles. When this happens, you will also develop a decrease in the development of collagen. Its breakdown will affect your skin and will cause more wrinkles.

You cannot do anything about this as this is a normal occurrence. To slow the aging process, lead a healthy lifestyle. You can also take in vitamins and supplements. You must also find the right moisturizer and cream to help you with the dilemma you are facing.

3. Muscle use

There are things that you do and cannot help that also cause wrinkles to develop easily. These are the facial expressions that will cause the skins elasticity to diminish through time. This includes laughing, frowning, even crying and getting angry over simple things. If these are natural for you, then you cannot do anything about it. You just have to use creams and take the right vitamins to help you solve the problem.

4. Gravity

For sure, you know what this concept is. Are you surprised that this also causes wrinkles? This affects your skin by loosening such part. As a result, sagging occurs and also drooping eyelids.

You can try sleeping on your back to counter this problem. But only do this technique if you are comfortable in the said position. If not, then do not push through with this step. Having less sleep will do more bad effects on your skin. So the best thing here is to have enough rest.

Upon seeing a wrinkle on your face, do not freak out. Just remember that there are steps that you can do to help solve the problem. It is a must that you research about the topic before buying any product that you will use on your skin. You do not want to cause more harm when you only want to achieve a younger looking skin through time.

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