Law of Attraction


Laws of Attraction Part II

The Science of Attraction

Have you ever wondered what it was that attracted a man to a woman, or vice versa? What it is about one specific individual that seems to make them irresistible to the opposite sex? Why, when everyone else is sitting home on a Friday night, they can have three dates with plans for breakfast the next morning? There are a number of different factors to be considered, but let us first take a look at the core of the situation: the science of attraction.

The central component in the selection of a mate lies in the evolutionary need to continue the species. In the wild mates that were weak and unable to stand against the elements would produce weak offspring who might not be able to survive the harsh environment they would be thrust into; that is, of course, assuming they survived to adulthood themselves. The inability of their offspring to survive would lead to the end of the species; therefore, they were rarely chosen by members of the opposite sex for reproductive purposes.

On the other hand, strong mates would breed strong offspring. It was primarily the males and females who had proved themselves in battle that attracted the greatest number of possible mates; they would then choose from the strongest of those, and Mother Nature's endless circle would go on, with genetics ensuring that their children were given the best opportunity to make a start in life. This is the reason that physically fit individuals receive the most attention from member of the opposite sex; it is an inbred attraction to those that are considered to be the most able physically to survive in their environment.

Strength and survival of the fittest aside there is also the matter of pheromones. Pheromones are chemically secreted molecules that are produced and carried through an airborne route, causing an incredible sexual response in animals. The belief is that it allowed the animal to locate a mate with whom they would have the greatest likelihood of producing an offspring with a strong immune system. It was previously believed that humans had lost the ability to be attracted by pheromones; however, recent studies have shown that this may not necessarily be the case. A great deal of research in the role that pheromones play in human attraction is not yet available, as it is still a matter of speculation.

The bottom line is that all scientific evidence pertaining to the attraction of one human to another lies in the potential to produce strong offspring. Pheromones will grant a child the best possible combination of immune systems to guarantee their well being. Physical attraction guarantees that the child will have the best chance of physically surviving to grow to adulthood. All in all, the scientific evidence present to support the baseline upon which all human attraction is based would appear to support the theory of survival of the fittest.

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