
3 Secret Tips Before You Buy A Used Car
I have always purchased my cars used. And every single time, I
got a great deal because of a few secrets that is easy to do.
These secrets will save you money. And the good news is there is
no luck involved.
If you follow these steps you are guaranteed to save lots of
money, so please pay attention.
BUYING A USED CAR Power Tip #1 - Check Consumer Reports on the
safest cars out there. Looks are one thing, but never ignore
Here's what you do: Go to a reputable car repair shop and ask if
you can bring the vehicle by for a look-over.
There is a 99% chance they will say "yes".
While you're there, ask what cars they have to repair most
often. Also, ask what the inspection includes, how long it
takes, and the price. Always get this information in writing -
just to be safe.
Once the vehicle has been inspected, ask the mechanic for a
written report with a cost estimate for all necessary repairs.
Be sure the report includes the vehicle's make, model and VIN.
If you decide to make an offer to the dealer after approving the
inspection, you can use the estimated repair costs to negotiate
the price of the vehicle.
Do you see how easy it is?
Are you going to purchase from an individual? If yes, then here
is your next tip.
Remember, private sellers generally are not covered by the Used
Car Rule and don't have to use the Buyers Guide. However, you
can use the Guide's list of an auto's major systems as a
shopping tool.
It's simple.
You can ask the seller if you can have the vehicle inspected by
your mechanic. If he/she says no... beware. No matter how nice
the car appears, something fishy is going on.
Now, a private sale likely will be on an "as is" basis, unless
your purchase agreement with the seller specifically states
otherwise. If you have a written contract, the seller has to
live up to the contract.
The car also may be covered by a manufacturer's warranty or a
separately purchased service contract. But that doesn't mean
that the warranty and service contract are transferable.
Plus, other limits or costs may apply. Before you buy the car,
ask if it's still under warranty or service contract, and review
that baby carefully.
Some states will require vehicle sellers to pass a vehicle
inspection before a sale is made. That's not always the case,
though. To find out what your state requires, contact your state
Attorney General's office or a local consumer protection agency.
Hey, it's just a phone call. And it will take less than 5
Whether you end up buying a used car from a dealer, a co-worker,
or a neighbor, follow these tips to learn as much as you can
about the car:
Examine the car carefully yourself using an inspection
checklist. You can find a checklist in many of the magazine
articles, books and Internet sites that deal with buying a used
Once I bought a used car in August, and never thought to test
the rear defroster. Guess what? Come November, I found out it
didn't work. If you're shopping in the summer, don't forget to
check the heater. And if it's cold as ice outside, still turn
that air on full blast and make sure it works!
Test drive the car under varied road conditions--on hills,
highways, and in stop-and-go traffic.
Ask for the car's maintenance record. If the owner doesn't have
copies, contact the dealership or repair shop where most of the
work was done. They may share their files with you.
Talk to the previous owner, especially if the present owner is
unfamiliar with the car's history.
Have the car inspected by a mechanic you hire.
There you go.
Follow those three "used car buying" tips and you are guaranteed
to save a ton of money buying a used car.
About the author:
Charlie E. Hendersen is the author and creator of the FREE
website: GetAnotherCar.com A site
dedicated to providing useful tips for buying and maintaining
your car.
Written by: Charlie E. Hendersen
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