
Favorite Car Song and Why
I have a number of favorites, however, my all time favorite is
Hot Rod Lincoln by Commander Cody.
Since living in an extremely cold climate means taking your
Corvette off the road in the winter months, a winter car is a
So in September we started looking for a car for winter and
found a beauty, a 2 door dark green 1976 Lincoln Town Car, 5035
lbs with a nice big V-8 (460) that rode like a dream, and talk
about hauling a**. I can still remember the night we picked it
up. With only having the Corvette, Chuck did most of the
driving. Since I hadn't driven in a while, I told him to take it
easy since I hadn't driven in the dark for quite sometime. Well,
anyone who has even driven this car knows that 30 feels like you
are crawling and before you know it you are up to 50 or 60. So,
yep, you guessed it, there we were on the back roads and Chuck
is punching the Corvette to keep up with me. I was in heaven,
with all that horsepower and car around me again. Don't get me
wrong, I loved the Corvette, but since my first car was a 2 door
1962 Chevy Belair being in a big car again put me in seventh
heaven, and this one was even bigger and faster than my first
Of course when we got home Chuck had some choice words for me,
however, it all turned out all right. And what a winter car it
was, we never got stuck and believe you me Rochester gets a lot
of snow. Watched many a car spin it's wheels in the parking lot,
while that big Lincoln plowed through it like it was nothing.
Never missed a day of work in it either and it started up even
at minus 40 and 50 wind chill, and the heat, ah the wonderful
warm air it put out, just couldn't beat it. It did yeoman
service for us.
We had the Lincoln for our three remaining winters in Rochester,
before moving out west. We sold it to a college student going to
school in NJ. It was still in tip top shape, just some minor
rust, which is just part and parcel of living on the East coast
with cold, snow and salt.
Would love to find another, as we would snap it up in a minute.
While not a hot rod Lincoln, it still brings back very very fond
My other favorites, Little GTO, 409 (of course), and the
ultimate car song for those of us that live recklessly,
Deadman's Curve.
So tell us your favorite and why. If we get enough replies,
we'll dedicate a section of the web site to car song favorites.
DeFiore Enterprises, Copyright 2005
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Written by: Sue and Chuck DeFiore
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