
How to buy and export a used car from Japan
Japan has been a rich source of used cars for many years and
each day thousands of people buy a used car direct from Japanese
car auctions. The benefits are many:
* Good quality, reliable, economical and famous Japanese brands
such as Toyota, Honda, Nissan and Mitsubishi.
* Low milage. Most cars come with less than 100,000 kilometers
on the clock
* Good condition. Regular servicing and repairs due to strict
Japanese Government safety checks.
* Many options. Many owners choose several options, so your car
will come feature packed.
* Cheap! Cars can start at auction for 1 yen, although you'll
probably pay a little more than that!
* And more...
In this article I'll cover the following points to help you
understand the Japanese used car market and make a more informed
choice about buying a car for export to your country.
* Japanese used car dealers
* The buying and importing process
Japanese used car dealers The process of buying and importing a
used car has become much easier with the advent of the internet.
There are thousands of dealers throughout Japan and around the
world who have websites offering cars they have in stock, or
offering a custom car search service where they take your
specifications and search the auctions until they find a car to
match your exact needs.
There is a wide variety of export car dealers. Some dealers are
huge organisations dealing with large volumes of cars while
others are single entrepreneurs who run their own businesses. Of
course the larger a company the bigger the overheads and so
probably you'll end up paying slightly more in dealer fees, but
you get more security from dealing with an established business.
The choice between price and reliability is yours.
The Japanese Government recognised JUMVEA (Japanese Used Motor
Vehicle Exporters Assosciation) maintains a member list of
companies which "was created to address this problem [of poor
quality cars and dealers], being composed of used car exporters
of excellent credentials and high credibility" JUMVEA website.
Their aim is to give membership to those companies which show
their reliability and service over time, so if you are
particularly worried about trust then look for a company with
this accreditation.
You can check the list of members on the JUMVEA website, and
accredited members will proudly display their membership on
their website. However not many companies have JUMVEA membership
so before buying from a non member do the following checks:
* See if the exporters bank details are listed on the website
* Call the company at least once to ask about any questions you
may have. Bona fide companies will have no problems with talking
to you over the phone, although be patient with their English
* Ask for testimonials
* Check the quality of response to your enquiries. If the dealer
is obscuring or dodging an issue then move on
In general use your common sense and if something is suspicious
or dosent feel right then don't proceed and find another dealer.
The buying and importing process
Check your country's law Before importing check your country's
rules for importing used cars to make sure you are allowed to
import the car you want. Most countries have liberal laws and
are mostly concerned with emissions and safety standards.
However these can add extra to the cost of importing so make
sure you research the compatibility of the model you want with
laws in your own country.
If you choose a car which is way outside the limits then you
could be spending a large amount to make it conform. Check with
the dealer and your local department of motor vehicles if in
doubt. You don't want to be left on the docks with a bill for
several thousand to make the car conform before you can take it
Sending the request
If the dealer has a stock of cars you can request on shown on
their website in which case you will know the price and details
of the car. However if you are looking for something specific
then you will have to send the dealer an email describing what
you want. Most dealers have some sort of request form on their
If you are buying from stock then you will usually get a faster
confirmation of purchase. If you request something else then the
dealer will have to search for what you requested at an auction
and send you details of prices and specifications. It is then up
to you to confirm or ask for a different model etc.
Once you have decided on a car and price you will be required to
pay for it. Methods and amounts vary by dealer. Some dealers
require you pay 100% upfront with by bank transfer (or
telegraphic transfer T.T.) before the car is bought at auction
or readied for shipping. Others require a less amount as a
deposit and then a balance on completion of purchase at auction
or when the car is ready for shipping.
You may feel nervous sending money to a foreign country and
unknown company so you should be sure of the dealers
trustworthiness before you enter into a contract or send any
money. You can do this by checking to see if the dealer displays
a company registration number and address on their website, then
ask the Japanese embassy in your country for confirmation -
although this may take a long time and cost you extra. You can
also check the bank account. Japanese banking laws are strict
when it comes to monetary movements and bank accounts. All
registered businesses are required to have their accounts under
exactly the same name that they registered their company.
If you are buying a used car online from Japan and the name on
the bank account is different from the name of the trading
company, or if its an individual, then you should investigate
Delivery times will vary according to distance and number of
ships to your country. Here is a rough guideline.
* Russia and Hong Kong: three days
* New Zealand and Australia: three weeks
* Rest of world: between four to six weeks
There may be other times to include in the delivery period such
as a deregisteration certificate for the Japanese owner which
shows the car has been sold by him, and finding a space on a
boat to your port. These extra processes can take up another
four to six weeks.
Your car has arrived at your port and now you have to pick it
up. Take the documentation which the dealer sent you to a
shipping agent who will arrange the offloading of the car from
the ship. Depending on your country's laws you may have to pay
import tax, licence the car, get car safety tests done, and
insure the car. Now your car is legally imported and in your
hands. Drive home carefully!
In conclusion buying and exporting a used Japanese car is fairly
straightforward, and can save you a fair bit of money compared
to buying a car in your own country. Choosing a reputable firm
is probably the biggest priority to ensure a smooth transaction,
and you should be aware of any extra costs your government may
impose to make the car conform to safety and emission standards.
About the author:
Living in Japan and involved with the Japanese car export
industry. For more information please visit the Japanese used car exporter
portal. Includes detailed information, dealer directory and
car reviews.
Written by: Keith Taynton
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