

Start Conversations as Easily as You Start a Car

Starting a car is easy. Put the key in, turn it, and the car starts. Would it not be great if starting a conversation was this easy? It can be--if you know how!

Unfortunately, many people don't know how. They struggle with starting conversations. If they do break the silence, the conversation sputters and dies.

This leads to boring parties, embarrassing silences, lack of friends and social skills. Not being able to easily start a conversation hinders business success and enjoyment in life. Do you know what I am talking about?

Starting a conversation can be as easy as starting a car. The reason you can quickly start a car is because you know the two steps:

Step 1: Put the key in the ignition

Step 2: Turn the key

These two steps work every time with virtually any car. So also there is a 2-step method for starting conversations. It will enable you to start conversation anywhere, anytime, with virtually anyone.

Here is the 2-step method for starting conversation:

Step 1: Break the silence

Step 2: Ask a good question

Simple is it not? Don't let the simplicity of the 2-step method fool you. It works! I have used the 2-step method with total strangers, friends, businessman, and even shy people with great success. Let me explain more.

1. Break the silence

A person cannot start a car until they put the key in the ignition, neither can a conversation start until the silence is broken. Generally, a greeting works great to break the silence.

"Hi Tom"

"Good morning"


There is a second way to break the silence and that is with a comment. This works well with strangers.

On a plane: "This has been a long delay."

To a clerk: "Looks busy today."

To a friend: "That was a good football game last night."

Now that the silence is broken, it is time to get the conversation flowing with the second step.

2. Ask a good question

Almost any question will work. In fact any question is better than dead silence. However, a good question will get the conversation moving. Here are a few examples:

"How are you doing today?"

"How was your week?"

"Where are you from?"

"How often do you fly?"

"What do you enjoy about this class?"

You might be thinking, "What if the conversation does not start after I ask a question?" This will sometimes happen. When it does, just remember the car illustration. Turn the key over again and ask another question. The conversion will eventually start.

That's it! Break the silence and ask a good question. Do this and you will be able to start a conversation as easily as you start a car.

--(C) Arlen Busenitz. Arlen is the author of "Conversation Magic: 7 Keys to Unlock your Ability to Conquer Shyness, Make Friends, and Confidently Talk with Anyone." Free tips and articles here:

Arlen is a gifted writer and speaker.

Written by: Arlen Busenitz

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