Film Auditions
Film auditions. who isn't interested in Film auditions? Where are the Film auditions taking place? How do I get into the Film auditions? What do I need to do at the Film auditions? Can I get into the movies by going to Film auditions? Do I need an agent to get into Film auditions? Will I get a chance to realy act at these Film auditions? Or will I just be setting myself up for more rejection by going to Film auditions?
Some Film auditions are open auditions which means that anyone who hears about the audition is welcome to go. At these open Film auditions, you might wait all day and then still not get to audition because these Film auditions are what is known as cattle calls in the industry and a=often at these film auditions, hundreds of people will show up to audition for just one part. And very often at these Film auditions, the producers of the film have a very specific look of person that they are seeking and if you don't fit that profile, then you are just wasting your time at these Film auditions.
Of course the people making the movie don't mind wasting your time at these Film auditions because it doesn't cost them anything and they don't care about you or your feelings. All they care about is making their movie. So if you are going to be attending these types of Film auditions, you had better be ready to do a lot of waiting around and you had better be ready for a lot of disappointment. Oh, yes, we've all heard the stories of some unknown attending one of these open Film auditions and being discovered and going on to fame and fortune.
Well, even if the stories are true, if you take a look at the number of people attending open Film auditions every year and divide it by the number of overnight successes, you will find that your chances of finding stardom this way are pretty slim. Maybe the boy magician got his start this way, but once again, how many went home disappointed from just the open Film auditions they held for that one part? Probably thousands. And usually these open Film auditions are for minor parts anyway and probably three quarters of the time the movies they were holding these open Film auditions for never even got made anyway.
So if you are interested in attending Film auditions, all I can say is good luck...
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