Film Critics
Film critics. Who is familiar with film critics? We have all read the writing of film critics. We have all seen film critics on TV, talking about the latest film releases. And we have all decided to see or not to see at least one film in our lives based on what the film critics said about the film. but who are these film critics? And what do they really know about film? You can't just trust the opinion of just anyone of the film critics. If you want to base your viewing choices on what the film critics say, then you need to do some studying.
You need to get familiar with the body of work of several film critics in order to understand whose opinion you can trust and just who among the many film critics knows just what the heck they are talking about. These days, there are  everywhere. Everyone who has seen a film or two thinks he is a qualified film critic. Everyone has got an opinion about the latest films to come out and some of these film critics are qualified to give an opinion and some of these film critics are not. Some film critics, no matter how well known they are , are just not unbiased observers of the films they review. This is why you need to get to know film critics before you can just take their word for whether a film is worth seeing or not.
Film critics are people just like you and me. Film critics have their own prejudices and personality quirks, so if you don't study the film critics first, then you cannot assume that they know what they are talking about or that their likes and dislikes are at all in alignment with yours so that what they think about a film will match what you may think about a film.
Some film critics are widely quoted and their blurbs are even used in the advertising for some films. It seems that a lot of these film critics are just paid shills for the the film industry and that you cannot take these film critics' advise about what film is worth seeing as unbiased or even valid. Some film critics are in the hip pocket of the major studios and will give a good review to a bad movie in order to help that studio make money by getting the unsuspecting film goer to spend their hard earned cash on a poor quality film.
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