Film Festivals
There are many types of film festivals and there are many reasons to be interested in film festivals. If you just love to watch films, the film festivals are for you. But if you like to make films the film festivals can also be for you. Some film festivals are strictly for showing films. These film festivals are not contests where films compete for awards. These film festivals are more of a celebration of film. These film festivals often concentrate on one particular genre of film and show only that type of film. Some film festivals are contests for filmmakers to compete in. In these film festivals, there is usually a panel of judges that evaluate the films entered and award prizes based on the perceived merit of the films. Film festivals can be fun and exciting for the audience as well as for the film maker.
The most lighthearted and low stress film festivals are the ones that are just dedicated to showing films. These film festivals can be general film festivals where over the course of days or weeks, a large number of films will be shown. These film festivals are of a general nature and will show films of many different genres and usually films from many different countries. The films shown at these film festivals are usually selected by a panel of people chosen by the festival organizers. Sometimes film societies will allow their entire membership to vote on which films should be shown at the festival, but often the films shown at these film festivals are chosen by a small group of experts in order to bring films to an are that would not otherwise be shown or known about by the general public.
Often these film festivals concentrate on one type of film to the exclusion of all others. These film festivals are sometimes held coinciding with a certain holiday and are shorter in duration than the more general film festivals. An example of these types of film festivals would be the Halloween Horror film festivals that go on all around the country on Halloween night.
Some film festivals are set up strictly as contests to give independent filmmakers a chance to showcase their work and perhaps gain some recognition for their films. Some of these film festivals have become very prestigious and influential in the film community. If an independent filmmaker can win an award at one of these film festivals, his film has a good chance of finding a major distributor and becoming a commercial success as well as an artistic success.
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