
Having Juvenile Diabetes and Going to School
The vital step after your child is diagnosed with juvenile diabetes is to develop a support network in the community. Your childs school should be at the top of this as a resource to tap into. Not only is it essential that the teachers at your childs school know about his special dietary needs and what to do in an emergency they can provide help in other ways too.
In addition to good control of blood glucose levels to ensure the current and future well- being of your childs health, good control of diabetes is critical to learning. When a child is experiencing highs or lows in the blood sugar reading this can create disruptions and make it hard for them to concentrate and learn.
The teachers or other support personnel are going to need instruction for handling your childs diabetes and what to do in case of an emergency. For a child with a low blood sugar it is important that their blood glucose level is checked and that they have something to eat. For a child with a high blood sugar, their blood glucose will need to be checked too and a decision has to be made whether or not to give insulin. This is a big responsibility to hand over to another adult and can be nerve-racking for parents.
An emergency kit should be with your child at all the time with instructions on what to do to help if something is wrong. Included should be a snack, a food item or glucose tablet that is fast acting (gets sugar into the system quickly), a list of emergency numbers to call, and a glucose monitor. A teacher or school nurse should be designated as the person responsible for your child while at school and they should have a back-up in case they are not present for a day or more.
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