Juvenile Diabetes


Support from Friends and Family

Telling friends and family about your child being diagnosed with juvenile diabetes may bring about mixed emotions.  You dont want your child to be pitied, you dont want them to be looked at differently, yet you do need people to understand that your child will need some special considerations sometimes.

When you first tell people they will either provide positive support, be neutral, or there may be some negative reactions.  The first two reactions are not a problem, you may get offers of support or it may be a non-issue for others.  It is the naysayers you need to be careful of.  You know it is a serious disease and you need to be sure your child is aware of it too but you dont need outsiders bringing doom and gloom into the situation.  There are tools and support to manage diabetes and your child can still expect a full and happy life.

The easiest way to deal with negative reactions from friends and family members is to educate them.  Most times they have an incorrect impression of what diabetes is, how it is managed, and the long-term effects.  It is serious but damage can be minimized with good control.

Your child may be nervous telling his or her friends too afraid that they will be looked at as different.  Most children will have a neutral reaction or none at all.  It is not something that will affect friendships and it is not a problem.  If your child does suffer from teasing or taunting because they cannot have candy or some other silliness let them talk to you about it and express their feelings.  Some of their friends may have questions and some may not.  If there is a concern with how your child is being treated or how the diagnosis will be received speak with your childs teacher.

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