
Latin Music
Everybody is crazy about Latin music. That Latin music beat gets you every time. You just can't sit still when the Latin music is on. That Salsa beat of Latin music really moves you. You have to get up and let that Latin music get you going in that Latin motion. But Latin music is a pretty broad term. And not all Latin music is dance music. There is a lot more to Latin music than one simple beat even if it is the one everybody thinks of when you mention Latin music.
The Western world knowledge and exposure to Latin culture is becoming just too vast for the term, Latin music to be narrowly defined any longer. The world of Latin culture spans too much time and too much geography for the term Latin music to be seen as anything more than a catchall term that is the umbrella term for so many types and styles of Latin music.
Your personal reaction to the question of what is Latin music to you? could span the wide array of Latin music styles. Your feelings about and for Latin music will have been shaped by your experiences and your exposure to Latin music. Maybe you grew up hearing your aunt play the crazy Salsa records all night while she and her boyfriend, Enrique danced the night away. That Salsa beat was so infectious. When that type of Latin music is blaring from the stereo speakers and everybody is moving to that Latin music beat, you just could sit aside and just watch. You've got to get up and let that Latin music beat move you. so whenever you hear the term Latin music, that is what you think of.
But someone else who hears the term Latin music might think of something entirely different. Maybe they think of the roving Mexican Maria-chi bands that used to prowl the hot nights, playing their Latin music for this group here and that couple there. This Latin music encompasses so much. This Latin music is love songs and songs of sorrow, but this Latin music is also songs of joy. This Latin music can be slow. This Latin music can be very upbeat too. Maybe this is what you think of when you hear the term Latin music. But maybe you don't think of anything when you hear the term Latin music. Maybe you have little or no exposure to Latin music. If that is the case, what a shame. Latin music is so many things that surely you can find something to like in Latin music if only you would give Latin music a try.
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