Paper Shredders


What Should I Look For In An Office Paper Shredder

In recent times business owner's have been forced to become pro active in protecting personal information of employees and clients. The office paper shredder has become the number one line of defense against thieves who rummage through disposed documents looking for personal information. There are a variety of office  shredders of various capacities,  type of cut, daily usage, and security levels available. This article will take a close look at the importance of office shredders, different types,  and some of the features available

First of all why is there such a big interest in office shredders all of a sudden? The " Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act" (FACTA) of 2005 requires that companies make arrangements for proper document disposal eliminating chances for identity theft. Obviously this makes the office paper shredder an even more important business tool that could prevent hefty fines and legal consequences.

One of the first considerations with office paper shredders is the level of security required. The security level is designated in the form of DIN numbers ranging from 1 to 6 with 6 being the higher level of security. It is a good practice to know what level of security is required by your business and shop with that rating in mind. The prices actually increase as the security level increases.

Closely related to security is the type of cuts made by the shredder blades. The main two types of cuts are straight cut, and cross cut shredding. The straight cut which is most common and usually 1/4" wide would work for most applications. The cross cut would work when higher levels of security is needed.

Other factors would determine the proper shredder would be how it will be used. Prepare and estimate the number and size of pages to be shred. Will the unit have continuous use?  Because the demands on office shredders can be rigorous they are designed to shred high volumes for long periods of time without overheating.

Ease of operation would be another consideration. Office paper shredders are equipped with features that add to safety and ease of operation and convenience. One popular feature is the start stop senser that checks for the presence of paper and activates  the shredder motor. Many shredders also provide a signal and an alert light when a paper jam occurs. When paper jams occur,  a reverse feed switch comes in  handy that reverses the motor and releases the jammed items.

The area where the paper enters the shredder is called the feed opening. Since the size of this opening varies between models you may want to analyze the documents you will be shredding to insure they will fit. On most shredders this opening ranges in sizes between 8 to 18 inches. A 12 inch opening is adequate for most documents but with continuous feed shredders the larger 18 inch opening may reduce frequent paper jams.
Disposing of documents properly is a measure of protection against identity theft, and business espionage. Certainly by using a quality office shredder that measures up to your office's security needs you will be one step ahead of identity thieves.

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