
Peace Museums
There are may Peace Museums all over the world. Some of these Peace museums have been started by individuals. some of the Peace museums have been started by groups. generally, the goals of these Peace museums are to teach peace and tolerance. Peace museums can be memorials to the victims of war or of a violent act. Peace museums can are art galleries that display anti-war art. Peace museums can be training centers for peace.
Peace museums can serve a very valuable function. As long as war remains a remote thing to people, they will not be motivated to do what needs to be done to stop it. Peace museums can bring the horrors of war to places that are far removed from the actual battlefields and brutality of war. Peace museums can keep the memory of a tragic war or event from fading into obscurity and being forgotten so that nothing is done to further the cause of peace.
Peace museums can give people a chance to learn about a particular conflict so that they might be inclined to help stop it. some Peace museums act as clearing houses for general peace information. some Peace museums are actual art museums with hundreds of paintings, sculptures, drawings and photographs in their collections. these Peace museums  often display paintings, photos and drawings that depict the true horror of war. These Peace museums hope that through art, they can  break through the wall of denial that surrounds most people when it comes to war. As long as the conflict is in some far away place, then they are not touched by the reality of it.
As long as the war isn't happening to them or anyone they know, then they can turn a blind eye to it. These Peace museums know that it has become just too easy to switch the channel when news about wars and conflicts come on. But if people come face to face with art that makes a bold and powerful statement about the true nature of war, maybe, just maybe, people will be moved.
These Peace museums are in the consciousness raising business and these Peace museums understand that a picture is worth a thousand words. these Peace museums can often present art work from artists who have themselves been witness to the horrors of war and these artists have something profound and personal and true to say to the rest of us. And these Peace museums give them the forum to be heard. Peace museums can serve a very useful function in educating the public and promoting peace.
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