
Promote Peace
Promote Peace. Few people would argue with he sentiment that we should promote peace. The world would be a much better place if we all were to honestly and wholeheartedly promote peace. But do we have the will to truly promote peace? How do we promote peace? We can promote peace by working for justice in this world. It is easy to throw up your hands and say sorry, but it's a raw deal planet so what can you do? It is a lot harder to truly promote peace by addressing the wrongs and injustices in the world. It is scary and often dangerous to do so. But if we do not work for justice, we cannot promote peace.
We can stop certain armed conflicts by force. We can use might to crush a rebellious population. We can use superior strength to quell a rebellion. But for how long? If there is no justice, we cannot promote peace. But justice is a difficult thing to grasp. How do we sort out the real injustices from the perceived injustices? And of course, there are always groups and governments just waiting to grab what they can under the guise of their efforts to promote peace. So how do we truly promote peace? Is there anything that the average citizen can do to promote peace?
Our efforts to promote peace must begin in our hearts and souls. If we don not promote peace with ourselves, we will not be able to promote peace in the world. but how do we promote peace within ourselves? We promote peace within ourselves by practicing radical self acceptance. We promote peace within ourselves by ending the war with ourselves. We promote peace within ourselves by ending the war with ourselves. We promote peace with ourselves by learning to love ourselves whole heartedly without reservation, just the way we are. We promote peace within ourselves by cutting  ourselves a break and realizing that we are just flawed people just like everybody else. We promote peace within by accepting that we are not perfect and never will be. We promote peace within by realizing that we do not live in a perfect world.
In fact, in a perfect world, we would not be welcome. So we promote peace within by allowing ourselves to love ourselves regardless of our faults and past misdeeds. Only then can we begin to promote peace, real peace in the world at large. To promote peace in the world is a tall order. To promote peace within ourselves may be an even bigger challenge. But if we want to promote peace without, we must promote peace within
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