
World Peace Day
World Peace Day is now celebrated on November 17th. The purpose of World Peace Day is for the average citizen to show their support for peace and their opposition to war. It is hoped that a large world wide demonstration in support of World Peace Day will influence the political leaders all over the world to wage peace and not war. World Peace Day is a non-religious, non-governmental movement. World Peace Day is a grass roots movement started by regular people and kept alive by word of mouth. World Peace Day is no an organization.
World Peace Day is not something you join, it is something you observe. You do not have to pay anything to observe World Peace Day. The idea is that on World Peace Day, everyone in the world should think about peace, ask their leaders for peace, wish for peace, work for peace, demonstrate for peace, and/or pray for peace. That is all there is to World Peace Day. People together in groups or singly dedicating at least one day a year to peace.
It is hoped that if enough people all over the world observe World Peace Day in some noticeable way, then the politicians and world leaders will get the message. People want peace and World Peace Day is a grassroots way to make it known. World Peace Day can be whatever you or your group want to make it. the important thing is to set and example of action for peace. It is hoped that by taking part in World Peace Day, people are willing to admit that the old path of aggression and in tolerance doesn't work.
World Peace Day is all about saying we have had enough of making the same mistakes over and over again. World Peace Day is about people saying it is time for a change. World Peace Day is about people everywhere saying we are tired of waiting for the leaders to change the world so we will. World Peace Day is about people empowering themselves as agents of positive change in the world. World Peace Day is about people taking responsibility for the state of the world and dooing something about it. World Peace Day is a mass demonstration taking place all over the globe.
World Peace Day can make a difference if everyone in the world who hears about World Peace Day does something, anything to commemorate World Peace Day. World Peace Day can raise consciousness. World Peace Day can help bring about World Peace.
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