World Peace Symbols
Throughout history there have been many world peace symbols.  Some are well known while other world peace symbols are more obscure.  World peace symbols serve a useful function.  World peace symbols make an anti-war statement by those who wear them.  World peace symbols help to unite people in a cause.  And world peace symbols can help to educate people about peace and the need for peace, love, and tolerance in this world.
Perhaps the most popular world peace symbol in the modern age is the peace sign.  It was designed in 1958 for a Brtish anti-nuclear group to  use at their anti-nuclear protests.  The design was patterned after the letters N and D spelled out in semafore. The N stands for nuclear and the D stands for disarmament.  The peace sign came into wide use during the 1960's by American anti-Vietnam war protesters and these world peace symbols gained the wider meaning of being a general peace symbol not just anti-nuclear.
This world peace symbol is still going strong today. These world peace symbols have been reproduced and emblazoned on many things.  These world peace symbols have appeared on bodies.  These world peace symbols have appeared on clothing.  These world peace symbols have appeared on flags.  These world peace symbols have appeared on hats.  These world peace symbols have appeared on wallpaper.  These world peace symbols have appeared on buttons.  These world peace symbols have appeared on solders' helmets. These world peace symbols have been painted on cars and buses.  These world peace symbols have probably appeared on every item and surface on which  it is possible for these world peace symbols to appear.
The original one of these world peace symbols was made out of clay and painted black.  Since that time these world peace symbols have appeared as black on white and white on black.  These world peace symbols have appeared in every color of the rainbow and these world peace symbols have appeared in rainbow form too.  These world peace symbols hae been stylized as two bodies.  These world peace symbols have even been stylized as the body and wings of an air force bomber.  These world peace symbols have probably been stylized as almost anything that can be made to appear as a peace symnbol at one time or another.
There are other world peace symbols: the dove, for example.  And the olive branch is a world peace symbol.  There are peace flags and peace rainbows that are world peace symbols too.  But none as well used or recognized as a peace symbol as the world peace symbol.
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