
World Peace through Art
There are groups and individuals out there who are trying to bring about World Peace through Art. They believe that through art, people can realize their own value and the value of others and that this will lead to world peace.
these World Peace through Art projects are striving to help people realize their own value through self expression. These World Peace through Art projects want people to see that they can make a difference. These World Peace through Art projects want to help people develop their talents so they can be creative and express themselves. These World Peace through Art projects know that when people create art, that they feel a sense of pride in their accomplishments and that raised self-esteem is good for world peace. These World Peace through Art projects want to help people see that it is never too late to learn something new. A new art and even a new way to be and to look at the world. It is never too late for peace to begin to grow.
these World Peace through Art projects are global in scope so they give people a sense of their interconnectedness with everyone else in the world so they can become global citizens and have a stake in world peace. These World Peace through Art projects believe that participation in the arts help people to be better problem solvers because it helps them free up there creativity. and once people are thing creatively, they are better able to resolve conflicts non-violently. These World Peace through Art projects believe that by participating in these global art projects, people learn to honor and respect other peoples differences. Through these World Peace through Art projects people can learn to be more tolerant of others.
And by participating in these global art projects, people can learn to better communicate cross culturally and that will enhance world peace. these World Peace through Art projects promote the participation in global art projects and empower people to take the leadership in peace initiatives. And these World Peace through Art projects are designed and organized so that people can learn to live in the world in harmony and love.
World Peace through Art projects are helping people create paintings, sculptures, drawings, photos and all kinds of other art that celebrates peace and cross cultural understanding. World Peace through Art can make people better artists, better citizens and better people.
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