A Look At The Different Types Of Photography
Most of us dont know the various types of photography there are. We all love clicking away with our cameras to capture the perfect moments, be it our babys first smile or our parents golden wedding anniversary. And we all love to cherish our photographs by putting them into albums or in frames to show all our friends. This is what I would call recreational photography, not really a hobby and definitely not a profession. There are many types of photography these days that professionals and amateurs specialize in. I could probably fit in just a few to let you know exactly how vast the field of photography has become today.
The Various Types Of Photography
Apart from the regular photographs that we all like to take, there are so many fields of photography that one can experiment with. The basic types of photographs we can take are colored ones and black and white photographs. In the olden days all photos were black and white and today you can get those digitally redeveloped in color.
Documentary photography is what a professional photojournalist takes. These photographs are usually taken of people in real life situations to depict reality to others. Fashion photography is a field which is very popular. Fashion photographers have the pleasure of photographing models, clothes and accessories to be used in fashion magazines or advertisements. This usually entails going to many different locations, some exotic and other mundane depending on the requirement. Family and portrait photographers are professionals who capture the best photos of your family at a reunion or even a wedding. There are professional photographers who only deal with wedding photography too. Nature and wildlife photography is perhaps one of the difficult types as you have to wait patiently till the animals come into your view. There have been some brilliant wildlife pictures taken by photographers over the years which you can see in wildlife magazines and journals. Astronomical photography refers to photos taken of planets and stars by use of special cameras either from space observatories or even from satellites in outer space. Commercial photography is a term used for photography done by photographers for financial gain. These include photographers for advertising agencies, newspapers, magazines and family occasions. Underwater photographs always amaze us by their clarity. There are special cameras that are used to take underwater photos especially while scuba diving. There are people who even specialize in baby or pet photography which is in high demand. So you can see now how many types of photography there are. And this is only a part of the list!
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