An Introduction To Black And White Photography
Black and white photography is an art in itself. Most professionals shoot in color but black and white photography has a charm of its own. Black and white photographs have an aura of being classic and timeless. Black and white photography is only slightly different from taking color photographs as some of the things you need to concentrate on in this category of photography are different.
Some Tips To Help You
The reason black and white photography is quite popular is because there are fewer things to concentrate on. You need to only focus on the subject and lighting as there is no color to worry about. A black and white photograph is the perfect solution to a situation where there is not enough light. Imagine an outdoor shoot and the sky is overcast causing everything to look dark and shadowy. In such a condition there is no point in taking color pictures as the colors will look faded and the pictures will be very dull. But black and white photography in this case will actually use the shadows to great effect and the subject will become more prominent in the photographs.
Black and white photography brings out contrast better. If you wish to take a picture of a bride dressed in a beautiful white wedding gown, the best effect would be to set her against a dark background. The bride will be the most prominent feature in the picture.
An advantage of black and white photography as opposed to color photography is that there are fewer imperfections visible. This is one reason why most people prefer taking their portraits in black and white as it covers most of the blemishes on their skin. Color photographs on the other hand highlight most of the blemishes so it is not a good idea to take close-ups in color.
In black and white photography you do not need the use of color to enhance your pictures. Instead you need to consider other factors to bring out the best in your pictures. You need to concentrate more on the shapes, textures, lines and tones. What you cannot use in color photographs becomes your advantage point in black and white ones. I am taking about shadows. You can make good use of shadows in black and white pictures to highlight certain areas and downplay others. A cloudy and gloomy day is a bane for color photography but a boon for black and white photography for this reason.
To stand out in black and white photography you do not need any special skills. If you follow the basics mentioned above and practice a bit, you will be able to produce phenomenal black and white photographs.
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