
Art Photography
Art photography is photography that is designed to express the creative vision of a particular artist. It is not necessarily documentary in nature, but sometimes, is purely expressionistic. Art photography can be representational. Art photography can be portraiture, landscapes, still life or nudes. This type of art photography tries to set a classic, sophisticated tone.
Art photography has gone through many phases during its history. At one time, art photography did its best to mimic paintings in their presentation, but art photography just didn't find the same acceptance as paintings did. As time went by, more and more galleries began to display the fine art photography of the day. Art photography moved into larger and larger formats. Art photography went through more phases, but has generally been predominated by the natural landscape, the portrait and the nude figure study. People have begun to accept that even documentary photos can have artistic merit and galleries today display all sorts of art photography. Some of the most famous art photography images in the world were actually taken by photo journalists.
Many rt photography pieces today are large, elaborate stage scenes depicting all sorts of creative visions. Art photography, by its nature is not mass market or commercial photography. Art photography is meant to be one of a kind pieces and small number series works. Art photography is collected by museums and individuals, but generally does not appreciate in value the way fine art paintings have.
With the advent of digital technology, art photography has expanded and the ease of using photo editing software has meant that art photography artists have gained more control over their work and that more people than ever before can produce art photography. Color and composition are now still important elements of art photography, but a vision for your art photography is crucial as well. If you have a digital camera and a computer with photo editing software and a creative vision for your art photography, you can produce some very nice art photography. Photo collages have become more prevalent in art photography since the advent of digital technology and the computer's in creasing role in art photography.
As computers become faster and more powerful, they will further impact the world of art photography. What you can do in art photography is limited only by your imagination. Computer technology coupled with digital photography can create almost any kind of image. Art photography now encompasses so much more than ever before. And art photography is so much more accessible to the average person that the limits of art photography will continue to be expanded. With technology advancing the way, the future looks bright for art photography
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