
Photography as a Career
If you are looking for a fun and exciting way to make a living, you might want to consider photography as a career. If you choose photography as a career, you could find yourself in some lush tropical paradise taking pictures of beautiful models. Or, if you choose photography as a career, you might find yourself dodging bullets in the latest in a series of war zones snapping photos of burned out buildings and muddy corpses. There are a lot of places that photography as a career could take you.
Photography as a career sounds pretty exciting and on the high end of it, photography as a career could be very exciting and financially rewarding. But at the other end of it, you could end up in a mall somewhere snapping pictures of overweight kids while their mother brow beats them for not smiling. photography as a career is not without its  risks.
I knew of someone who went to an expensive photography school in a very big city. He studied long and hard to make himself ready for photography as a career. When he graduated he knocked around some and eventually ended up as an underwater photographer for the Navy. Now that sounds pretty glamorous at first blush, but what it really meant was that by pursuing photography as a career, he ended up spending most of his time swimming around in dirty harbors taking pictures of the barnacled underbellies of giant hulking warships. Yes. Photography as a career can lead you to some strange places.
You need to prepare for photography as a career. And if you are not lucky enough to be taken under the wing of someone who is already doing photography as a career, it means you will probably have to go to photography school. Of course, going to photography school isn't all that bad, but there certainly will be cost and time involved. But if you are serious about photography as a career, you will no doubt enjoy your time in photography school.
The better photography schools are not that easy to get into and you will have to show an aptitude for photography by presenting a portfolio of your photos that you have taken so far. Because, how can you be interested in photography as a career if you have never taken any photographs? You probably wouldn't be interested in photography as a career if you didn't already have a passion for photography and hadn't already been taking pictures for some time.
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