

Pregnancy Issues

Pregnancy issues can vary from financial to emotional to physical. Some pregnancy issues are limited to the actual pregnancy period itself and some begin before pregnancy and continue long after the pregnancy is over. It is common to experience physical pregnancy issues or symptoms that can be unpleasant. Some of the most common complaints that women face during their pregnancy are excess gas, bloating, heartburn and leakage. During pregnancy, especially as you approach your due date, you may have discharge of a thin, milky-white consistency. It's perfectly normal and safe, as long as there is no odor. If there is an odor, it may be an indication of an infection or other medical problem. Or if you experience associated pain, check immediately with your health care provider. Many women find that during pregnancy, they tend to leak urine when coughing or sneezing. This can be an embarrassing pregnancy issue, but it is not uncommon and can be addressed by wearing a pad to absorb any leakage.

Another type of pregnancy issue is if the mother has a medical condition that might require some extra monitoring. Diabetes and Epilepsy are both examples of this type of pregnancy issue. Thankfully, more than 90% of pregnant women with epilepsy give birth to normal, healthy babies. And Diabetes does pose some risk, but when monitored and controlled does not mean that the pregnancy and birth will be adversely affected. There is a higher incidence of giving birth to larger babies who may or may not have a high blood sugar level at birth, but medical intervention results in positive outcomes.

From a different perspective, unplanned pregnancy is an issue of greater consequence. The related pregnancy issues in these cases can include financial stress, single parenting, stress to the mother's body if it is following a recent birth. Possible lack of emotional support from a partner or family members. Unplanned pregnancies sometimes have no happy outcome, but with time to adjust, an unplanned pregnancy can be a blessing in disguise.

Some other types of pregnancy issues are infertility and miscarriage or loss due to adoption. These pregnancy issues require lots of attention, understanding and support. All three situations can be devastating for everyone involved. Infertility, as a pregnancy issue has some irony as by its nature is lacking the pregnancy. More and more women and couples are struggling with infertility. There is such heartache involved and the stress of the emotional roller coaster can really test a relationship. The pregnancy issue where a pregnant woman is facing a decision to give her baby to another through the adoption process is a mix of grief and relief. There will be the issue of separation from the baby after birth which is monumental, but if the decision is made with great forethought and confidence, then perhaps the issue during the pregnancy and after the birth will not be so heart wrenching after all.

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