

Jupiter Rocket

The Jupiter, a surface-to-surface weapon, was the first American intermediate-range ballistic missile to be launched successfully. The missile was developed by the Army, but was later turned over to the Air Force for operation in the field.

This rocket can carry either a nuclear or high-explowarhead to a distance of from 1200 to 1500 miles. It travels at a speed of 10,000 miles per hour. The missile is 58 feet long and 83/4 feet in diameter. It is made of aluminum and weighs 105,000 pounds ready to launch. The single rocket engine provides a thrust of 150,000 pounds.

The Jupiter has done valuable service in the field of space exploration. It helped to launch the Pioneer IV, which is now in orbit around the sun, and the Explorer VII earth satellite, and also carried the two monkeys Able and Baker on their flight into space.

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