The Talos Rocket
The Talos is a United States Navy surface-to-air and surface-to-surface missile. It can be used to intercept enemy aircraft and to attack hostile ships and shore targets. It also can be used as a long-range anti-subweapon.
The missile can be equipped with either a high-explosive or nuclear warhead.
A rocket engine boosts the Talos to high speed and then drops off. Flight is sustained by a 40,000-pound-thrust ramjet engine which drives it to the target.
It has a range of 65 nautical miles and a velocity of approximately 1800 miles per hour. Since this weapon requires air to operate, it cannot travel much above an altitude of 75,000 feet.
The Talos is about 30 feet long and 2feet in diameter. It is made of steel and weighs 7,000 pounds.
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