Summer activities


Balloon Wars

In the winter everyone loves a good snowball fight, build a fort and stockpile the snowballs and you are set.  The same idea can be implemented in the summertime too.  If its a nice day, fill balloons with water and have a balloon war.

If you dont like the idea of your kids throwing balloons at each other than there are other uses for water balloons that are just as fun.  Set-up a target and have a competition to see who can hit it the most times.  You can make it a challenge to break the balloon each time or make it harder by setting the rule of hitting the target but not breaking the balloon.

Play water balloon baseball; replace the baseball with a water-filled balloon.  Of course the person up at bat is going to get wet if they are able to hit the target.  If a child hits the balloon and it doesnt burst it is considered a strike.  When the balloon is hit and does burst it is an automatic home run.

A simple game of catch can be fun too.  Trying to catch the balloon without bursting it can be hard see how long one balloon can be tossed before it breaks.  As the kids are going to get wet, it is best to play any of these games on a hot day.

Clean-up after any game that has involved water balloons is very important.  Small children and pets could pick up the small pieces and choke on them.  You can make picking up the most balloon pieces a game at the end for incentive.  Let the kids know that whoever has the most balloons after they are all cleaned up will get a special surprise.  Or, give each a different color of balloon and make it their job to pick up all the balloon pieces that are of their color.

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