Summer activities


Become a Summer Tourist

There are many activities in or around your city that you probably know all the tourists go to, but when was the last time you went?  Just because you have been there many times before along with your children doesnt mean they wouldnt love to go again (and again and again).

Take a few days during the summer break to visit attractions and destinations that you havent been to in awhile.  If you know that the place is going to be crowded on the weekend or in the afternoons go on a weekday morning.  The added benefit of being a local and going to a tourist destination is that you know the ins and outs and the tricks to get the most out of your day.

Water parks are always popular and tend to fill up around and after lunch time.  Try and go when the park first opens to beat the crowds.  If you leave before lunch time, you can save money by eating at home and get out of the hot midday sun.

Going to your local zoo is an all day event.  Pack a picnic lunch and if you arent able to bring it into the park get a hand stamp and leave for awhile to eat.  Consider buying a seasons pass too.  Most times a pass will pay for itself in less than three visits.  If you dont want to spend all day at the zoo, break it up into 2-3 hour chunks and keep coming back.

Go to your local visitors center and pick up the free brochures that are available there. You might find some excursions you didnt know about or had forgotten existed.  The staff at the visitors center usually have coupons for free or discounted admission too. Take advantage of your local resources.

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