Berry Picking
Towards the end of the summer all the different kinds of summer berries will start to ripen and be ready for picking.  If you dont have any bushes or berries in your back yard, take a trip to a local berry picking farm and bring home some yummy and nutritious snacks.
Most places that you can go berry picking advise you to bring your own bucket.  Each child should have a bucket of their own and depending on how many you want bring extra buckets too.  Strawberries and blueberries are the most popular pick your own businesses.  If you know a place where blackberries or raspberries grow wild (and they arent on private property) take the family for a walk and pick those too.
When getting dressed to go to a berry patch, dont wear clothing that you will be upset if it gets stained.  It can be hard to bend over the whole time and you are sure to find your children sitting on the ground as they pick (and sample) the berries.  Berries will be everywhere and it is guaranteed they are going to get berry juice on their clothes.
Once you bring home the fruits of your labor give everything a good wash and decide what to do with the berries.  There are many options for eating berries.  If you have brought home too many you can freeze a portion in air tight containers or freezer bags. Some eating suggestions:
*  Sprinkled on top of an ice cream sundae *  Added to a morning bowl of cereal *  On their own with some milk or cream *  Baked in a pie *  In a crumble with oatmeal and brown sugar
Berry picking is a fun activity but since it is done outdoors in the summertime, be sure to wear hats and put on sunscreen.
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