Summer activities


Bubble Making

Not only do kids of all ages love to blow bubbles there are many activities they can play that revolve around bubbles too.  And one of the activities is to make the actual bubble solution.  If you decide to skip this step and use store-bought bubbles that is fine too.

Everyone knows that to make your own bubble solution you mix dish detergent and water but here is a recipe that will yield bigger and stronger bubbles: cup of dish soap, 1 cups of water, and 2 teaspoons of sugar.  Mix it up in a large container and you are done. If there are quite a few kids playing, make a large batch of the solution and fill up a kiddie pool with it.  No spilling or waiting turns to use the bubble solution.

If you are making your own bubble solution, you will also need to find or make bubble wands too.  Here are some ideas to use items around the house that kids will get a kick out of:

*  A (clean) flyswatter
*  Straws
*  Turkey baster
*  Slotted spoon
*  Funnel
*  Use the lid to a yogurt or margarine container with a hole cut in the middle
*  A piece of string tied together into a loop

Have a bubble blowing contest, see who can blow the biggest bubble or see whose bubble lasts the longest.  Have a counting contest, challenge the kids to see who can blow the most bubbles in a predetermined time frame.  Or shout out a number and see who can blow that many bubbles at once, no more or less.

And just let them have fun, kids love to have bubbles blown for them and then chase them down and try to pop them all.  You be the bubble blower and send them running to burst all of your bubbles.

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