Bug Bingo
Dont worry; this doesnt involve catching bugs just finding them.  You will need a piece of paper for each child that is playing, crayons or pencils and stickers.  Divide each piece of paper into nine squares with three columns and three rows.  The middle square is a free space.
In each of the other eight squares draw a picture or write the name of a bug that can be found in your backyard.  Send the children out with the stickers and their bingo cards to find the bugs.  As the child finds each bug they can place a sticker on the appropriate square.  The only rule that should be reinforced is that the bugs are not to be touched (or squashed, squished, etc.).
To make the game longer or shorter you can either have the children find all the bugs on the page to win or like in traditional bingo the first person to make a line on their card wins.  Once you put the effort into the game cards you may want to spend a bit of extra time and money to have them laminated.  They can be re-used over and over again. When they are laminated you can choose to use a marker or crayon instead of stickers to check off the bugs that are found.
A good list of bugs to put on the cards:
*  Ladybug *  Ant *  Caterpillar *  Worm *  Bee *  Spider *  Wood louse *  Beetle *  Butterfly *  Any other bug or insect that can be easily found in your yard.
Different variations of this game include using leaves or flowers instead of bugs.  A prize for winning the game can increase the fun for the kids.  It doesnt have to candy or a toy, even letting them decide what video to watch or have for dinner can be enough of a prize for a child.
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