It’s a Circus
The idea of a circus can make a childs eyes light up.  If there isnt one coming to your town or city this summer help the kids put on one of their own.  You can be the ring master and invite over friends and family to watch the finished production.
Depending on how many children are participating some kids may have to perform in more than one act.  Find out what each child wants to be and try to find a way to include all of their talents.
Older children may like to take on the challenge of learning how to juggle before the big show.  So now one gets hurt (including the audience) use tissues or kerchiefs for a beginning juggler.
An acrobat can use a log or long piece of 2 X 4 to showcase their balancing skills as they cross the high wire with no net.  This might be a popular one, let all the practicing acrobats participate.
If your family owns a well-trained dog, recruit the family pet to be a lion and have one of the kids be a lion-tamer.  If there are no animals to use for this, convince one of the children that they can be the lion.  You cant have a circus without a lion and a lion tamer.
Another popular act at the circus is the clowns.  Let your clowns dress up and create their act by themselves so it is a surprise for everyone.  As the ringmaster, try and be as authentic as possible and introduce each performer as grandiosely as possible.  You will know you are doing a good job by the number of giggle you elicit as you announce the childrens names.  Dont forget the popcorn and peanuts for the audience to munch on as they watch the show.
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