Join a Sports Team
Kids love to play with other kids.  Joining a sports team will give them the opportunity to play with other kids, learn the rules of a sport, and have some structured play time.  All of this while giving mom and dad a break.
There are sports camps and teams that children can join when they are as young as three years old.  The age and type of sport they join will dictate the time commitment needed and the cost.
Have a discussion with your older children about what kind of sports they are interested in and what is available.  Find out if they want to play on a team or if they would prefer to play a game that they are on their own.
Summer sports played in teams:
*  Baseball *  Soccer *  Lacrosse
Summer sports played individually or in pairs:
*  Tennis *  Swimming *  Track and Field *  Golf
Being active and having fun should be the goal of any sport your child chooses.  Make them give it a chance but if they arent having fun try and find something where they will.
If joining a sports team is too expensive or the availability isnt there, consider starting a sports day or night in the neighborhood.  Talk to some other parents and go to a local park or a volunteers backyard to let the kids play.  You can set-up official teams or be more casual and let the kids have fun while learning the rules of the game.  With this option, you can choose a different for each week of the summer or rotate between a few favorites.
Not all kids are into sports, so dont push it.  Some kids can be just as happy to come along and be the cheerleaders, join them and think up some fun cheers to encourage all of the players.
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