Summer activities


Library Events

The library is a magical place to children, full of so many books, magazines, and movies that they can take home to use and then bring back.  But most libraries offer more to children than just being able to take home books.  A library is a community place with many free events to participate in.

Check with your local library branch to find out when they have story time for children. In some libraries there will be multiple times in a week some will specify that they are for children of certain ages only.  These are usually interactive story times with the children participating or a puppet show might be put on to tell the story.  If the time you want to go is for younger children, have the older ones find a book of their own to read in a quiet corner while their younger siblings enjoy the show.

Craft days or magic shows are both events that a library will host for children.  These are mostly done during spring and summer breaks.  Some libraries require a pre-registration to ensure they arent overbooked or the library doesnt become too crowded.  Try and get a calendar of events from the librarian so you can be aware of what is coming up and dont miss out.

Reading clubs are available at the library for all ages including moms and dads.  Set an example and join one for the summer and let your children join one or start one of their own.  By seeing a parent read it can encourage children to pick up a book too.

Chess clubs or other organizations can be found at the library too.  The library is utilized by many different clubs as a meeting place.  Find out what groups meet at your local library and see if your children are interested in joining one for the summer.

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