Summer activities


Lemonade Stand

Start your children on the road to business success by teaching them the basics of running their own lemonade stand.  An actual stand isnt necessary, you can bring out a small table and chairs for the kids too.  If it is a hot and sunny day, provide a beach umbrella for the kids and their customers to get out of the sun.

Supplies needed to open a lemonade stand:

*  Lemonade or other juice mix
*  Juice jugs
*  Paper cups
*  Ice
*  Some coins to make change for customers and a place to keep the earnings
*  A sign to advertise the stand and the price
*  Garbage can or bag for the used cups

As your children are most likely going to come into contact with strangers (depending on the location of the stand) it is best that an adult stays close by to supervise.  In picking a location, if you live on a street in a busy neighborhood the front yard is an ideal place. But if this isnt practical, why not go to a local baseball game at the park or other gathering place.  It will be appreciated by the attendees and your kids will have a captive clientele.

This activity is great for childrens math skills as they count money and make change.  It will also give them a confidence boost as they are going to be talking to many different people and most likely having to make small talk.  Let them decorate their signs or stand any way they choose and be sure to take pictures of their first business venture.

When they are done for the day, have them count all the money they earned and share it equally amongst everyone that participated.  A good rule of thumb is to have them put half of the money away for savings and they can spend the other half.

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