Viral Marketing


How Web 2.0 Has Changed The Way You Surf The Web

There have been many changes in the way we surf the web after the introduction of Web 2.0. Gone are the days of simply clicking on a website to view the information on it. Now you can surf, post your comments on various sites, and even create a profile of yourself. There are many ways of keeping in touch with friends and making new ones. Let us look at some examples of how the internet has changed with the onset of Web 2.0.

Share Your Views

You can now log on to many interactive websites of various topics to get information. You can also post your comments where you can review the site or give some suggestions on how to improve it. Many blog sites are present where you can post your thoughts and views. You can even respond to blogs of other writers. Several photoblogs allow you to post photographs that you have clicked and share them with the world. With Web 2.0, you can share anything with millions of users.

Share Your Information

Sites like Wikipedia are great places for you to share information about many things. It is a Web 2.0 user oriented online encyclopedia where users can post information and even make changes whenever required. You can add to the information that is already provided and improve the content of the site.

Improve Career Prospects

If you are looking for a career change or some expert advice about certain jobs, you can join a business site. You can post your resume on these sites and get connected with several employers. You can find like-minded people and perhaps develop business relations with them. You could start off your own business, get a better job, improve your qualifications and much more. You have a wider reach with these Web 2.0 sites.

Social Networking

The most popular Web 2.0 applications are the social networking sites. I am talking about sites like Facebook, Orkut, and MySpace. You can post your profiles with descriptions of yourself, your photos and your interests. You can create an identity of your own in the virtual world. You can comment on the profiles of others, you can share your photos and make friends.

There is a downside to these Web 2.0 sites. Some people may create fake identities. As you will probably never meet most of your friends, you may never really know what kind of people they are. Many of you like to add as many friends as you can just to show others that you are extremely popular.

In the big picture of course, Web 2.0 has created a world where people can get closer and human interaction is increased. It has improved the way you surf the web.

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