Most Powerful Women in Business
If one is looking for the most powerful women in business, the work has been done by the editors of Fortune magazine.  Each year that publication lists not only the most powerful women in business but the highest paid . The magazine also lists the women considered most powerful globally...at least by Fortune's adjudicators. Some women excel in each of these categories.
While the most powerful women in business are logically the highest paid,this is not 100% applicable..Listed by Fortune as the most powerful women in business, Indra Nooyi is Chairman and CEO of Pepsico. At just 61 years of age, this Indian born woman has achieved great status in the business world as the most powerful woman in business, by steering Pepsico to increased growth and profitability.
By contrast in looking for the most powerful women in business, one learns that Zoe Cruz, listed as 16th in the list of most powerful women in business, is number one in terms of earnings. This very powerful woman in businss presides over Morgan Stanley, a financial giant, and earns an annual salary of $30 million.
In considering the most powerful women in business one must of course look to the international scene as well. The most powerful women in business are involved in every area of business in many countries.  Typical is Anne Lauvergeon, Executive Chairman of Areva, a nuclear company in France. In The Netherlands, another of the most powerful women in business is Chairman and CEO of a major legal and tax publishing company.Among the global leaders of most powerful women in business, Cynthia Carroll, an American geologist, pesides as CEO of the world's largest mining company based in Britain.
The most powerful women in business have reached the pinnacle by various routes.  As an example, the powerful and popular Oprah Winfrey began her career in public media.  She has become an international institution, both as a media personality, entrepreneur, business woman and philanthropist, truly a major success story among the most powerful women in business. She has, because of her constant media exposure, become far better known than many of the most powerful women in business.  She is ranked 8th among the most globally powerful women in business, but may well move up the scale.
A look at the list of the most powerful women in business should be an inspiration to any woman in business who has just begun to climb the ladder.  Opportunities and success stories of women in business are steadily on the increase around the world. Business women everywhere...go for it.
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