Minority Women in Business
The number of minority women in business has increased rapidly in recent years and continues to rise.  The increase in numbers of minority women in business exceeds that on an annual basis of white women entrepreneurs.
There are numerous statistical reports involving minority women in business, though the figures are not immediately current, as with other statistical reports.  The overall figure for women in business as of 1997 was a total of 5,417,03 US non-farm businesses owned by women.  These businesses were responsible for hiring over 7 million paid workers, and accrued over $818 billion in sales.
By contrast, minority women in business achieved sales of approximately $85 billion. The figures on minority women in business break out into four groups: Hispanic women, black women, Asian and Pacific Island women and American Indian and Alaska Natives, the latter under a single group. In that same order, Hispanic women as minority women in business owned and operated 337,708 firms.  Black minority women in business owned, in 1997, 312,884 businesses.  The Asian and Pacific Island group of minority women in business owned 247,966 businesses and the last group, American Indian and Alaska Natives, represented minority women in business with ownership of 53,593 businesses.
In terms of revenue, The Asian and Pacific Island group of minority women in business achieved a total of over $38 billion, while the Hispanic minority women in business realized about $27 billion in revenue from their owned and operated businesses. This is interesting because the Hispanic women actually owned considerably more businesses overall. Black minority women in business had a total revenue of over $13 billion while the American Indian & Alaska Native minority women in business realized just $6.8 billion, all during 1997.
Of the businesses owned by minority women in business, a large percentage of. those businesses offer either business or personal services.  Possibly these minority women in business were aware that there was going to be increasing demand for services in coming decades.
Although the records of minority women in business above relate to the US, minority women worldwide are working to establish businesses,many of which are either agricultural or service oriented.  A very small amount of money is required to start a business for these minority women...around $800 US to start a small agricultural business such as farming or pig raising. Donations can be made through several organizations to help these minority women in business to get started.
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