

Right Camping Equipments Can Lessen Your Burden

Camping is a wonderful recreational activity that you can enjoy with your spouse, friends, or family. With it, not only does your exhausted mind get relieved, but also you get to breathe in lots of fresh air and do a variety of healthy physical activities. The experience freshens you up like nothing else would. But it is essential to pack the right kind of gear or equipment you will need to survive in the wilderness and rough terrains. Equally important is not to take along the items that have more weight and less utility.

Especially if you are headed for a trip that will require you to trek a long distance till the camping site, you need to be extremely careful to include only essential and lightweight items of practical utility in your list. This is because most of us are not used to walking in rough terrains. And if there is a heavy bag on your back weighing you down, there will be a good possibility of you collapsing before your camping trip has even begun. Otherwise also, if you do manage to make it, you would end up getting exhausted every day instead of enjoying yourself.

The Dos And Donts While Selecting Camping Gear:
Dont go for bulky and large tents for camping. Instead opt for the types that are lightweight and durable. They would weigh less and occupy less space in your bag. Also learn to pack them the right way. If you pack them in a messy manner, they would lessen the space in your bag and might necessitate carrying an extra bag. Same thing goes for the sleeping bags. For example down-filled sleeping bags are lightweight and provide more warmth than most of the other types of sleeping bags.

Select the clothing that does not add too much weight to your camping gear. Especially for camping during summer consider clothing made of light fabric like pajamas, loose tops / t-shirts. Avoid heavy stuff like jeans, sweatshirts. Even for wintertime camping, pack the kind of clothes that provide more warmth and not bulk.

The Cookware And Foodstuff:
It is best to take along Freeze-dried camping food. This kind of food is light weight, easy to make (just need to add some hot water), and tastes reasonably good. If you are adept at cooking over fire, you may take along the minimum of cookware and sufficient food material. Remember, cookware can add a lot of unnecessary weight. Restrict it to the bare minimum.

Avoid Gizmos:
At any cost avoid packing things like portable CD-players, laptops, and other such technical gadgets that you have a fetish for. Apart from adding unnecessary weight, they corrupt the natural ambience and serenity of the camping site.

Any sort of camping, rustic or otherwise, can be best enjoyed by taking along only the essential items. Too many camping equipment also makes the camping site look messy and spoils the fun.

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