Keeping in Touch with Letters
This activity will require some planning before school is out and is meant for children who are already reading and writing.  With the help of the childs teacher you can arrange a pen pal system or get the mailing addresses of all the children in the class.  This is especially important if a child is going away for the summer to get the mailing address where they will be.
What fun it is to receive mail from a friend.  If a child is going away for the summer it will keep them connected with their classmates and it can make the back to school transition easier.  In addition to keeping in touch it will help build childrens reading, writing and communication skills.
If you werent able to get the addresses of your childs classmates before school was out it doesnt mean you still cant do this activity.  If there are family members who are on vacation or live far away have them write a letter to them.
Another fun way to spin this activity is to make a mailbox for every member of the family that is positioned outside of their bedroom doors.  Once a week, each person in the family has to write a letter to another.  It would be best to draw names for this activity so no one gets left out without a letter.  Put the name of the person on the envelope and one child can play the part of mailman delivering the letters to the right mailboxes.
You can use a shoebox or a small cereal box that is decorated as the letter holder.  Make it authentic; give the mailman a bag to carry the letters around in as they make their deliveries.
Let the children make their own stationary by decorating plain paper and envelopes it doesnt have t be expensive or fancy.
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